A legszebb hetvenes: Goldie Hawn

2015. november 23.
Kate Hudson mamája, Goldie Hawn a hétvégén ünnepelte hetvenedik születésnapját. A csodaszép színésznő még mindig elképesztően néz ki, lányával való viszonya pedig szintén irigylésreméltó.

November 21-én lett hetvenéves, és még mindig elképesztően néz ki Goldi Hawn.

1997-ben Goldie Hawn és Kate Hudson együtt:

Lánya, Kate Hudson egy aranyos videót is posztolt az Instagramon a mama születésnapjáról.

On this day in the clouds I’m sure// A man had a plan for the twenty first// He took a sweet soul and said its time my dear// You must go back down to share your cheer// Your beauty will please// Your laughter will spread// You may even meet a man and be thirty years unwed// To many you will be their rising muse// And light will bath you in golden hues// So, with excitement she went back down to the earth// To meet her old friends, Laura Hawn to rebirth// She had no clue on that day what would be// And day by day it seemed God made her special in some way// She never seemed to follow in line// Always a bit on the outside, goofy by design// She danced her own beat// Played her own drum// Shook the worlds axis a bit being seemingly dumb// But dumb she was not// Smart as a whip// And her beauty was something many found hard to resist// But she had one desire that grew with the years// To be happy she says, to be happy without fear// People laughed in her face and said don’t be so silly// But she paid no mind to those who could not see as clearly// She may not have remembered that day in the clouds// But her message is pure and of the touch of God// Find your joy she says, what brings you joy// Live fearlessly facing the sun// Bath gently under the moon// Love all around you// Laugh till you cry// Cry till you laugh// We live till we die// She says live with all your might! 💪 Happy 70th Mama I LOVE YOU ❤️ #MamaGoldie #70 #LiveWithAllYourMight #LoveMyMama #EllieGoulding #Army

Kate Hudson (@katehudson) által közzétett videó, 2015. Nov 21., 10:26 PST